Letter To The Editor - Revisited

Twenty years ago when I began theMangoTimes, I included a section called: "Letters to the Editor." At that time, theMT was not even in blog form, so my readers would email me what they were thinking. This was before blogging with comments took off and people were able to interact directly with the writers of blogs and websites. Since that time, microblogging and social media have enjoyed both a rise and fall in popularity. I am glad theMangoTimes survives and I believe that blogs/personal sites like this one still have a purpose.

I have been doing some site maintenance and I found an old post I wanted to reshare/update with you all. It was from 10 years ago when one of my readers asked the following question:

READER: "Do you think anybody cares about what you write in theMT?"

Here is my response and I've added some updated thoughts for 2018.

EDITORS RESPONSE: Nope, I don't really care.

Don't get me wrong, if you are reading this post, then I am glad you found your way to theMangoTimes (please continue to read more of what I have written. You might find something to giggle about).  But, just so everyone knows, I don't write for the masses.  I've always written for Kendra and a few good friends that I think might chuckle at some of my words.  At the beginning of theMangoTimes, it was an email newsletter that I sent to my family and a few friends. In 1995, not everyone had email. In fact, I remember that my mom would take the time to print out the emails for my dad to read on a paper copy. Anyhow, after the first dozen or so email issues of theMT were sent out, I found out that people were forwarding what I wrote in theMT to their families and friends throughout the country. 

There was even one time that I attended a wedding of a friend and a total stranger was introduced to me and said, "Oh, you're Fletch. The same Fletch that writes theMT?"  That was a weird moment back in 1996, but also a revealing moment as I first realized that everything you write in an email or post online is public and can be forwarded to anyone on the planet. 

Even so, I don't think of "everyone" when I write. I really think of my wife and then a very small audience of friends who I know might laugh along with me. I do my best at correcting my grammar and proofreading my posts, but I also assume that my brother-in-law, Jeff, will alert me to my mistakes as he adds his own commentary to what I've written. I like to think that theMT will occasionally pierce into the academic world of my good friend Byron so he can laugh along with my antics.  I don't even expect anyone to leave a comment. But after 20 years, I find  that my high school buddy, James, still faithfully comments on most of my blog posts or social media links.

Here's the funny part: Just when I think people are not really listening or reading theMangoTimes, I will suddenly get a heated reply or most likely a Facebook comment from someone bent out of shape about what I wrote regarding the trap of religion, the freedom of the gospel, or when they disagree with my version of joyful Christian living.

My subscription list continues to grow and that is also a subtle reminder that there are a few folks out there who are reading what I write and care about it.

Still, when I really think about the question, it's as simple as this: If Kendra laughs out loud when reading theMT, then it's a success in my eyes.

Quietly making noise,

P.S. Letters to the Editor is still around. If you want to ask me something, feel free to send in a letter. Some of my best thoughts have come from readers asking questions.

Weight Loss 1970's Style

As we kick off 2018, many of you are making goals and resolutions to lose weight. One of the best weight-loss programs for the past few decades has been Weight Watchers. I have friends that have been successful using the program. They have lost weight and improved their health. But, to be honest, I have no idea how the program works. I just know it works.

Today I think they use points and calculate recipes and ingredients, but this wasn't always the case. Back in the mid 1970's they encouraged people to lose weight by counting calories and providing healthy planned recipes on little cards. There was a staged picture of the food on the front and the recipe on the back. It was like Instagram, but on little cardboard cards.

Wendy McClure, writing at Candyboots, found some of these cards and has taken the time to share them with all of us. You really need to take the time and follow this link to see the entire collection. I'm not pointing you in the wrong direction, I promise. 

Again, think of it like Instagram, only in the 1970's.

Actually, it is really more like Instagram had sex with a SkyMall Catalog and produced these wonderful cards for us:

Weight Watcher Recipe Cards - 1974


Still unsure if you should follow the link? Here is a brief example of what you are going to see when you get there:

It's not just the horrible recipes. It's the hilarious commentary that Wendy provides on the cards. I truly believe that people lost weight, because they didn't eat this food. They starved the weight off their body avoiding this crap.

Go look at the cards. You'll probably lose weight laughing. 

Quietly making noise,


14 Just Start

Are you a visionary? Do you like to make grand plans? This blog post is for you.
Many of us are dreamers, but we lack execution. Sometimes we need a nudge. Let me help you with your next step and encourage you to just get started! 

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