006 Homeschool Heartbeat - 411 Bible Study

On this episode of theMangoTimes podcast, I am sharing an interview I did with Mike Smith from HSLDA's Homeschool Heartbeart. This is Day 4 of a five-part series and on today's show, I describe how I started the FourOneOne Bible Study for teenage boys.

I hope you enjoy this quick edition of theMangoTimes Podcast.

Quietly making noise,

005 Homeschool Heartbeat - Creating Adventure

On this episode of theMangoTimes podcast, I am posting the third interview from the Fall of 2012 when I sat down with Mike Smith from HSLDA's Homeschool Heartbeat. On today's show I answer the question: "What are some traditions you have created in your family?"

I hope you enjoy this quick edition of theMangoTimes Podcast.

Quietly making noise,

004 The 100 Day Challenge

Skyping with James

On this episode of theMangoTimes podcast, I sit down and have a conversation with my good friend James Estes.

Jamesy and I met during our freshman year of high school, which puts our relationship clock at just over 30 years. Back in high school, we were Young Lifers, we co-wrote a movie review column for our school's newspaper, and we began our life-long love for good coffee

During the podcast, we briefly talk about Hawaii, creativity and dropping our kids off at college. We also talk about our 100-day challenge goal that begins today.

What about you? Have you ever wanted to take a 100-day challenge? Join us! Start today and let us know what you are going to do in the comments below!

Want to follow our challenge? You can join us over on Twitter. Use can follow the general hashtag #100daychallenge (others are doing their own 100 Day Challenge) or link directly to James (@ventidrip) or Fletch (@themangotimes)

Quietly making noise,


003 Homeschool Heartbeat - The Role of Dads

On this episode of theMangoTimes podcast, I am posting an interview from 2012 when I sat down with Mike Smith from HSLDA's Homeschool Heartbeat. This was day 2 in a five-part series and on today's show I answer the question: "What are some ways to support your wife in the homeschooling process?"

I hope you enjoy this quick edition of theMangoTimes Podcast.

Quietly making noise,

002 Homeschool Heartbeat - Being Intentional

On this episode of theMangoTimes podcast, I am posting an interview from Fall 2012. I was interviewed by Mike Smith on HSLDA's Homeschool Heartbeart. This is the first day in a five-part series and on today's show I answer the question: "Why does a dad need to be engaged in the homeschooling process?"

I hope you enjoy this quick edition of theMangoTimes Podcast.

Quietly making noise,

001 theMangoTimes Podcast Introduction

On this introductory episode of theMangoTimes Podcast, Fletch welcomes his listeners and readers back to the new and improved podcast. This is a very brief snapshot into what listeners can expect when they tune into theMangoTimes.

Quietly making noise,