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Quietly making noise,


Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee - Roadside Memorials

I love this show. It is only available online, but Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee is a perfect recipe for me. Coffee? Seinfeld? Hello, that's a slam dunk!

Jerry is still as great as ever and his guests are some of the funniest people on the face of the planet. Season Three was released today with Louis C.K. as Jerry's first guest. I realize I have waited two seasons to mention this show, but something happened in the first episode today that reminded me just why the show deserves mention on theMangoTimes.

Watch the whole episode, or just go ahead and forward to the 6:20 mark for a perfect blend of Mangocomedy.

"C'mon…must we all get bummed…everyday…back and forth to work? Sometimes it just doesn't work out."

Quietly making noise,

Celebrating 83 Years

A happy birthday to my dad who turns 83 years old today. Here are a few pictures I found recently. First, a picture of him as a young man with a clean shaven face and a thick head of dark hair. Second, catching some sun and some shut-eye on a warm dock.

Joe Fletcher

Fishing at Lake Berryessa, 1979

I've been alive 45 years and I'm very thankful for the time I've been given to spend time with my dad and learn from him. His example of service, faithfulness and consistency seem so unreachable at times and I hope that someday I can reflect to others a fraction of what he has been to me.

Happy Birthday Dad

Quietly making noise,

Winter Solstice - Dislike

If you have been a reader of theMangoTimes for any length of time, you know how much we love summer sunshine around here. I've blogged before about my favorite day of the year. So it goes without mention, that today being the winter solstice is my least favorite day of the year. Short, dark, and wintery cold…three of my least favorite things when it comes to enjoying life in California.


Looking on the plus side…every day get's longer and sunnier from here until June. I'm already planning on this year's "Longest Day of the Year" party. In the meantime, you will find me sitting next to the fire listening to Jimmy Buffett and Bob Marley… :)

Quietly making noise,